Clan Duels

Discussion in 'WT Main' started by Truxaw, Apr 14, 2014.

Clan Duels

Discussion in 'WT Main' started by Truxaw, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. WindsOfBoreas

    WindsOfBoreas .

    Jan 21, 2014
    Okay, so reading this and listening to you all on comms it becomes apparent that there need to be something to reign everyone in. To that effect I believe that a command structure is needed. Rank will not necessarily be determined by flying skill, but by the members' ability to lead and give concise instructions and information in the heat of battle. During competitive flying, these people will be listened to; it would not translate into normal play. For this, we need to determine who is beat to lead the squadron and first flight, who can lead the second flight, and who can lead the two element wings.
    beachy86 likes this.
  2. DeadlyWalrus

    DeadlyWalrus .

    Mar 21, 2014
    I tend to agree that a bit more organization would improve our performance in a number of ways. At the squadron level we to usually are able to compensate for a lack of clear direction because most of us understand who the most threatening enemies are and naturally tend to target them first. However, this intuitive organization is still prone to breaking down and that tendency is likely to be magnified if we're going up against a well organzied enemy.

    Organization is also going to need to flow down all the way down to the element pairs as well. Right now our teamwork is mostly ad hoc pairings for single attacks (i.e. hey, you're nearby, let's attack that enemy) or just pure luck (i.e. I'm dragging this bandit up with me so I sure hope someone is in position to attack him). Having designated pairs will go a long way towards making sure that we're fighting as a team and not just a mindless swarm.

    Finally, while I think basically all of our regular pilots are proficient in directly attacking enemy aircraft, I alot of us (myself included) need to work on what we should be doing when we're not the primary shooter in an engagement. It's one thing just to stay high and watch your wingman's six when he dives in, but positioning yourself to quickly deal with any threats to him or anticipate your target's movements so you can hit him if your wingman misses his shot is something completely different.
    XErnstX and Truxaw like this.
  3. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    Quick question, who is running the show?
    Reason I ask is because if other squadrons decide to contact me, I would like to be able to point them the right direction.
    We would need more than one person.
    Those who are responsible for this, please start a conversation with me in PMs so we can iron some things out. I'm not looking to interfere but would like to know whats happening.
  4. Truxaw

    Truxaw .

    Feb 1, 2014
    We have talked about the need for leaders in game and to organize outside of the game. We have agreed that we wanted to spread this workload around a bit rather than having one person who is “in charge” and that we could vote on anything controversial. But I agree that Nraged’s job would be made a lot easier if we had one person who can represent the Competitive/Squad Battle Group. My nomination would be xErnstx, he can represent us and be the go to for Nraged and any others. If anyone else on the competitive roster has any nomination or suggestions please post them up. I also think DeadlyWalrus would be a good candidate for an in game leader/caller. The other names we were throwing around were Truxaw, SeansBacon, and Cory.

    As for myself I will remain active on the forums, help with recruitment, and help organize sessions. But when it comes to in game leadership I don’t think im your guy, at least not yet. I still do not have as much in game knowledge as some of the other members and my awareness is still progressing. Also I’m still too aggressive in game.

    So to sum it up, as of right now I am going to nominate xErnstx as our group leader for Nraged and any others. If anyone else has any suggestions post them up and we will vote on Monday 5/12/2014. If no other nominations are made xErnstx will take that spot by default.

    Also, I just wanted to say we have been gathering a larger and larger group of flyers throughout the week, which is a really encouraging sign. Silverback was on last night and flew well and we have been flying with GrindandClick more often. And I have noticed not only are our wins increasing, but the number of NNG pilots getting shot down has been dramatically decreasing. More and more comments are being made in game about NNG. So nice flying everyone keep up the good work!
    XErnstX likes this.

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013
    Do you deliver? :) seriously like a 1800 flowers?
    Truxaw likes this.
  6. Truxaw

    Truxaw .

    Feb 1, 2014
    We live in the mountains so sometime I have to deliver like way out off the grid. We are a member of TeleFlora :)
    XErnstX likes this.

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013

    Would have been nice to let the officers know that this was direction that we were taking. As for in game leadership I guess I do not count? THanks for the vote fellas!
  8. Truxaw

    Truxaw .

    Feb 1, 2014
    Sorry for the slight, both on the discussion revolving leadership and getting your name in the hat. Just to clarify we weren’t talking about anyone getting an officer position, we were more talking about a leader for our group as a point of contact for everyone. I was hoping this thread would serve as a group discussion about the Squad Battles Group and also allow for open communication to all about our direction. I think once we have a member pointed out, he can start being the main go to for all officers and any inquiries.
    XErnstX likes this.

    HIGHLANDER Administrator,Motivational speaker,van dweller

    Jan 29, 2013
    Please understand the time and effort that has been put into it from the officers side to get our division to where it is today. When I am in game and flying I am asked to lead , if you want someone to lead our competitive team I have no issue with that but I strongly urge you to have them lead before we get into duels. I think Ernst would be a great nomination. Lets let him lead the battles the next couple of nights to see if it s something he would want to do. I would nothing more than not take the lead every time
  10. Truxaw

    Truxaw .

    Feb 1, 2014
    I agree completely. However I think we were talking about having Ernst be more of an out of game leader. And the other names (Highlander) included be in game leaders. As opposed to one guy trying to run the show. But again this is all open discussion. I just happen to be on the forums today so I'm doing the bulk of the posting :)
    XErnstX likes this.