Dem chickens/All you wanted to ever know about murdering little fluffy animals

Discussion in 'ArcheAge' started by Canvera, Sep 24, 2014.

Dem chickens/All you wanted to ever know about murdering little fluffy animals

Discussion in 'ArcheAge' started by Canvera, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Canvera

    Canvera NNG Data Analyst

    Oct 22, 2012
    Chickens can be harvested every hour for eggs. It's getting a bit.. much for me to continually teleport up to do them. In terms of labour and waystones, since I'd need to gather iron ore for stones, etc.

    It's making me want to get patron but in any case.

    Currently the side of mortos' house has chickens. I'm planning on murdering them all and re-positioning them to actually fit in more chickens, so anyone who wants to see wholesale slaughter can watch me do it later.

    Anyhow, to put it in perspective, eggs, which I'm collecting from our lovely little chickens are used for cooking and trade packs.
    We need about 30 eggs for a single trade-pack, which is a round of all of our hens. There's also a couple of geese and ducks around the bend. Collect from them too if you want.

    You need ground grain to feed to the hens, which is from any grain. I'm going to convert quite a bit of grain, but more needs to be planted, which I'm going to do when I get back. And a literal ton of grain will be grown and converted.

    In short, we should get a crapton more eggs than grapes for this weekend.
    The more eggs we get, the more tradepacks. Whee. Doit.

    Occasionally you can get a hatching egg from a chicken. Those chickens don't lay eggs on their own, they just are slaughter fodder as far as I can tell.
  2. Sixten

    Sixten .

    Mar 12, 2014
    Don't the value of the trade packs decrease the more abundant they are?
  3. Canvera

    Canvera NNG Data Analyst

    Oct 22, 2012
    As far as I know, yes, but this weekend we're doing it for gilda stars. Not so much money. Though we'll get money anyhow.