[Event] Operation Scatmax

Discussion in 'ArcheAge' started by Mustarde, Sep 30, 2014.

[Event] Operation Scatmax

Discussion in 'ArcheAge' started by Mustarde, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Keleborn

    Keleborn The Italian Stallion

    Nov 10, 2012
    are we allowed to bring our own trade packs on these trips?
  2. Shuzaah

    Shuzaah .

    May 13, 2014
    Probably depends on the trip. Usually there is some wiggle room for ppl to carry a personal pack on their back if they ask ahead of time.
    ThaneKrios likes this.
  3. Mustarde

    Mustarde .

    Feb 12, 2014
    I know you asked me in guild chat but I wanted to clarify here for everyone's benefit-

    The operations I am running, where we coordinate with other guilds, are not going to be designed for personal income or guilda. In the google-doc I posted in the OP (which is the template I'm following for these runs), I have designated that a single person will create and turn in the trade packs.

    The way I see it, if we are getting people together to work as a guild, the profits should go to towards a guild goal or asset. This teamwork has already gotten us a galleon and a merchant ship. Continued success will further equip our naval capabilities (or land assets if we so desire).

    Also keep in mind that blueprints bought from mirage isle can be traded. So I intend to keep using Phaedo for pack trade-in and creation. Once we hit a guilda threshold, we make a decision as a group and acquire the appropriate blueprint and give it to a designated NNG member. My hope is to one day get every member of NNG who enjoys this game a 250guilda design of their preference. (gotta dream big)

    I am not against personal wealth building and I spend a lot of my time earning gold for my own projects. But for now, unless I get more requests to make these operations a personal trade pack run, I would rather that members show up to help their guild, and not just use the guild to get their own freedich gilda stars.


    Last night was a very successful run. We heavily supported 903 who turned in nearly 27 packs. We also ran into a big group of ForestCrow and Infamy and killed a bunch of their carts, stole 7-8 packs, and forced them to recall most of their zerg to secure the beach. It was some mighty fine pvp. We called in CML during the voyage, who deployed in and helped secure the landing zone.

    I am definitely thinking of when and how to organize pvp ops. I have some ideas and am open to many others.
    Shuzaah likes this.