Holy shit, sniping is fun

Discussion in 'PS2 Media' started by gregfox, Apr 25, 2014.

Holy shit, sniping is fun

Discussion in 'PS2 Media' started by gregfox, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. gregfox

    gregfox .

    Dec 14, 2013
    Omg this is addicting :O And I'm getting the craziest shots. A lot of these were moving.
    The first kill on KyMcMan, he was COMING UP THE ELEVATOR TO THE BIOLAB. No, I didn't shoot him when he hovered for a second before falling, I shot him halfway up. And I thought it was crazy when I shot a light assault out of the air the other day...
    And those timestamps :O Usually I can get a kill a minute if I'm lucky with some long breaks in between streaks, but this was just insane!

    My next goal is to shoot someone using a jump pad
    Tenuis, Sixten and ThaneKrios like this.
  2. Jaamaw

    Jaamaw .

    Dec 5, 2011
    I am so happy you killed Muldyn. He is so FUCKING ANNOYING.
  3. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    You killed Vodkahere, WTF man? How can you do that to vodka man? Its fucking vodka man!

    Mustarde likes this.
  4. okolepooka

    okolepooka The one and only Tactical Fapper

    Feb 7, 2013
    Hell yea it is! Since the infil update, I've been sniping more and more. The other day I got a head shot on a cloaked infil as he was running away after taking a pot shot at me, it was awsome.
    gregfox and Sixten like this.
  5. IIXianderII

    IIXianderII .

    Nov 21, 2013
    Yea sniping is really addicting once you start to get consistent with hitting moving targets. I still remember the first headshot I got on a moving target because they used to be so rare; I used to be lucky to get 1 or 2 per play session and now I can hit them consistently and I love it.
    gregfox and Sixten like this.
  6. gregfox

    gregfox .

    Dec 14, 2013
    I did that too, I couldn't even see him, I just guessed and hit his head :ROFL:
    Sixten likes this.
  7. Sixten

    Sixten .

    Mar 12, 2014
    I popped an in flight LA within the past few days too. Pretty sweet. I can't believe you allowed yourself to get counter sniped though -_-

    You must have gotten carried away and made some goofy mistakes =P, or was it because you were playing really aggressive? I know that's one thing I'd like to get better at is being a bit more aggressive. Half the fun for me though is seeing how long I can last without getting killed while also taking out as many people as I can so I play pretty conservatively sometimes. I figure it was you playing aggressively. I know you're pretty good at PS2.

    I can't tell you the last time I was counter sniped. I think I was messing around with the Phaseshit when it happened.

    I also killed a moving harasser this morning after 3 shots, and quick scoped a slightly distant mossie a couple times. That was pretty epic. I sent darkelfdruid a tell asking him about quick scoping but never got a reply. I'm sure he was busy making someone look absolutely stupid. That guy is probably one of the most beast snipers I have ever seen. His accuracy is "only" 50% but I think it's because of his playstyle and the ridiculous shots he pulls off.

    Something else that's pretty cool is when you can pull off shots while YOU are still moving, or to land shots without holding your breath. There's a moment when you first scope in that your scope sway is pretty minimal. You can use that instant to pull off a shot. I guess it would be a moment just slightly longer than quick scoping. There is also a slight moment after you stop moving your scope around that it sways slightly less that you can pull this off too. So sometimes you can move your scope around somewhat chaotically and then pause for a second to pull off a shot. It'll never be as reliable as adding some SHIFT in there but it works.

    There was a video on YouTube I ran across once and I wish I could find it again. I can't even slightly remember a hint of what to look for to find it other than what it was about. The whole video was a TR sniper shooting moving targets, and a lot of them were people on ATV's and in the back of harassers. This guy was pulling off some of the craziest leading on targets that I have ever seen by far.

    You going to be putting up some sniper montages soon? =D
    okolepooka likes this.
  8. gregfox

    gregfox .

    Dec 14, 2013
    My accuracy is still only 33.177% with the M-77B (D- -) with 147 kills but my headshot rate is 82.993% (B*) I miss a lot but I try to make every hit a headshot and go for shots I really have no business taking. Sometimes I hit them and it's awesome. I usually have to warm up a lot and miss a lot of shots before I "calibrate" for a range and can be more consistent, but I'm noticing this isn't taking as long these days.

    Oddly I only feel successful sniping on my TR. Maybe I'm leeching skills from Mustarde by osmosis by being in the same squad as him.
    Mustarde and Sixten like this.
  9. gregfox

    gregfox .

    Dec 14, 2013
    I don't move around enough because it's hard to make myself leave a good spot. I got countersniped because I was uncloaked too long. I was trying to hit someone who was moving a lot, so I uncloaked to take the shot but then I hesitated and didn't put the cloak back on right away. I didn't even see the guy who sniped me. Oh well even with mixing in some commissioner primary I can usually get a 2.0 or 2.5 k/d pretty easily sniping, which is a lot better than my usual 1.8 with aggressive run and gun. Plus I am a lot more picky with the fights I try to snipe at.

    I haven't been able to record at all because of the whole NVIDIA drivers thing with Planetside and shadowplay not working because my driver is out of date. But I'm thinking about streaming, I don't know if anyone would watch it but I'd be able to archive it which would be more convenient. And I've been wanting an excuse to use that recursion overlay.
  10. Sixten

    Sixten .

    Mar 12, 2014
    It's all too easy to get comfortable in a little perch. That's my problem too. Also most of the time when I snipe it's because I just want to chill, and/or because I'm just sucking it up at the whole twitch battle going on in the heat of things. I'm far "better" at sniping than I am doing the whole twitchy dance in close quarters. Although I will say I shine pretty well mid range sniping in the heat of battle.

    The bane of the K/D stat. It's hard to ignore it but when I manage to I actually end up with a pretty decent K/D anyway while having more fun during my play sessions. And when you think about it trying out that crazy and unconventional stuff is what makes you better anyway. I'm sure darkelfdruid didn't get so good at all that crazy stuff he pulls without just going out there and doing it. Practicing hitting moving targets is going to wreck accuracy but it'll be fun and worth it, and like you said it's rewarding to pull that stuff off.

    I need to stop being lazy and get my second hard drive installed for downloading shadowplay videos. I bought a 1 or 2 TB HDD so I didn't clutter my SSD but it has just been sitting in the box since I got it, haha! Hopefully they fix all that soon. Maybe it'll speed things up with PS2 going 64bit client.