NNG-BBRO inter-outfit night was a decent success. At first we both invaded the NW territories, taking Dahaka and Saurva but then I had to leave for dinner. Upon my return I see that BBRO has gone to Tawrich and taken a hold in the East while NNG was being pushed back in the NW. We mobilized and pushed back.. This push/push back on the TR to the NW is too common on Indar. Since BBRO was holding down the Eastern front, I coordinated with them so we would be taking the NW. The TR were at the crown and too busy to care they were losing all their territory. Eventually we went and took all of the NW territory again, but later got pushed back to Dahaka when the TR lost the crown. Good work everybody who participated!
Couldn't stay awake long enough, was like 04.00 in the morning when I left. Hate being on the other side of the world