The BF4 release and other questions..

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by ChaosShadowJP, Oct 29, 2013.

The BF4 release and other questions..

Discussion in 'PS2 Main' started by ChaosShadowJP, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. ChaosShadowJP

    ChaosShadowJP .

    Oct 6, 2013
    • Just curious about how many people we are going to lose to BF4?
    • How many people are we looking to actively recruit?
    • Am I allowed to point people to the site or does that have to be done via officers and such?
    • How strict is the age limit when it comes to family? Even family who know better to keep their traps shut on comms and are more mature than most of the players gaming who are older (present company excluded of course!) It was suggested to me to ask this question and I've been fighting with it for a week now
    • Who do I speak with when it comes to squad level tactics and suggestions like that? I'm not speaking about what the squad/platoon leaders do now, that's a whole different level. i'm speaking of making suggestions about "HOW" we do some things that could make us more efficient in some cases. I'm not trying to step on toes here... what you guys do is some amazing shit.. and I'm not suggesting any changes... I'm suggesting some additional tactics :) Stuff I've learned over the years in the real world and have already transferred them to other games successfully. Or do you think I'm taking this a bit more serious than we actually play? Which I've been told before.
  2. FoxReinhold

    FoxReinhold Judge

    Jan 21, 2013
    • You won't lose many, but you will see a decrease in activity from many.
    • We only occasionally run active recruitment platoons in which we are broadcasting recruitment messages. If you see someone you think is good though, feel free to give send them to the website or send them Jaamaw's way.
    • Yes, feel free to send as many as you can to the website, but don't bug them lol.
    • We've bent the limits on the age limit before. There's exceptions to every rule.
    • You can post suggestions or ideas here, or just talk to anyone. Most of us have no ego.
    ChaosShadowJP likes this.
  3. VSDerp

    VSDerp .

    Aug 12, 2013
    well im not leaving planetside 2. sure people will try out and play bf4 but im sure they will come back.
    Nraged likes this.
  4. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    VSDerp likes this.
  5. kawaltd750

    kawaltd750 .

    Mar 18, 2013
    My PC have barely the minimum specs to run BF4, so even if I would like to try it, I won't.....
  6. Kowlefe

    Kowlefe .

    Jun 2, 2012
    I doubt we will lose any. People will just bounce between games.

    Preferably people who know what they are doing and are mature. No specific number.

    By all means.

    This is where it gets to be very iffy. Preferably, we want 21+, its a bit weird with me saying that seeing as I am 7 months behind that limit but I digress. If someone is 18, they have to be mature for their age and be active in TS along with the game. Anyone below 18 years of age will have their application instantly declined unless Jaam himself is spoken to and gives me the okay to continue them on in the application process.

    For that, talk to any officer. Also, if you prefer, you may send an officer a PM on the forums with questions and they will happily help you out.