The RL Thread

Discussion in 'Main' started by Bluepike, Dec 16, 2011.

The RL Thread

Discussion in 'Main' started by Bluepike, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. Keleborn

    Keleborn The Italian Stallion

    Nov 10, 2012
    i thought you would be shorter
  2. WargruntVS

    WargruntVS .

    Nov 4, 2012
    yeah I ain't exactly short i'm 6.1''
  3. Keleborn

    Keleborn The Italian Stallion

    Nov 10, 2012
    most brazililians i know are much shorter like 5.6"
  4. TheMadBoxer

    TheMadBoxer .

    Mar 30, 2014
    Seeing as how this is still alive... My name is Jake, but on the internet I am TheMadBoxer. During the mornings i work landscaping, but I get some great hours for great pay, so i usually get out of work around 2pm. My name comes from high school, when I still did MMA. some people would call me mad behind my back, and I liked the ring of it. I intend on joining the Navy this year, and am working on getting waivers for various injuries I sustained in the ring, and the medications I had to take to cope with them.

    Planetside-wise, I started in the New Conglomerate, and still main my BR90 in VCO. But after a while, I got sick of their low skill level, and I began looking for other options including QRY, TENC, and DA. I found QRY to be elitist asswipes, and the others just didn't click. I ended up playing TR with VSDerp one day, and got the TS info. I hopped in and squadded up with him and Mustarde. I found the casual atmosphere among skilled players addicting and applied within the week. Once I get enough passive certs for Medic Tool 6, I may start maining TR/VS
  5. Sixten

    Sixten .

    Mar 12, 2014
    So many of these image links appear broken for me and I can't view them =/
  6. Sixten

    Sixten .

    Mar 12, 2014
    TechNecro here. I'm 27, male. Name Brandon Thompson. Born in Rockford IL and grew up in Southeast MO (the Bootheel).

    I recently pointed out of my job as a corporate slave to Tenneco where I was a Utility (a do it all man). I did not work at corporate headquarters, instead I assisted in building struts. After dedicating the past 4 years of my life to this place working mostly 6-7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day I can say I am quite happy to be out of that place. On top of working tirelessly I have also been pursuing my BS in Computer Information Technology and was simultaneously taking 12-15 hours a semester, as well as summer classes and internships up until this past fall where I dropped out halfway through the semester, because quite honestly I'm pretty burnt out. I also took this Spring semester off and plan to begin attending again this Fall to finish my last two semesters.

    I have a group of really close and awesome friends. I have always been really into fitness. I love lifting weights and eating right. I'm very enthusiastic about a lot of things and often take up more hobbies than I have time to pursue. I inline skate, ski/wakeboard at the lake, dabble in violin (I have acoustic and electric violins), experimenting with nootropics, power stilts, 2009 Kawasaki Ninja ZX10R, a stack of business/investing/technology related books, and most times have a range of 10-20 tabs open because I love reading technology/health/science related articles. I like to build computers and play video games, and I do not own a TV and have not watched TV in years.

    I'm just going to put a link to some random photos I stuck in photobucket for anyone who cares to look.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
    VSDerp likes this.
  7. TheMadBoxer

    TheMadBoxer .

    Mar 30, 2014



    Literally all of the pictures of me since age like 13 have her in them. I don't take pics that much, but she takes them a lot
    VSDerp likes this.
  8. Aramorel

    Aramorel .

    May 31, 2014
    Me at Pax East getting a seflie with Jessica Nigri
    Steamedice, VSDerp, Shuzaah and 2 others like this.
  9. Torqameda

    Torqameda .

    Apr 3, 2014
    No picture yet (maybe later if I feel you gents are worthy), but here is my quick bio.

    I'm 22 years old, graduated from the University of Rhode Island in December 2012 with a B.S. in Marine Biology. In the fall I will be attending Stony Brook University to earn my Ph.D in Biological Oceanography using a combination of computer/statistical modeling and acoustic data gathering to elucidate temporal and spatial variations in different species of zooplankton.

    During the interim between Dec. 2012 and August 2014, I have been working and continuing to work as an instructor for the American Red Cross. I teach CPR/First Aid/AED/Emergency Oxygen for the Professional Rescuer, Water Safety Instructor, Swim Coach Instructor, Lifeguard Instructor, and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Trainer. If all goes well, I can add Small Craft (Boat) Safety to my repertoire depending on if the state wants to actually do its job and validate my boating credentials.

    I am an avid SCUBA diver; swam competitively since age ten through college; I love everything science and nerdy; and I love gaming. Specific to Planetside 2, I began playing in November 2012 as a lonewolf. I didn't actually join any outfit until March 2013 when I was invited into The 4 Aces (4ACE). From there I took on a lot of leadership roles, ran an in-house fantasy league (for Planetside 2, and it was fun, go figure), and it was an all-around good time. I created a Twitter handle, met dudes like VSDerp and Mustarde, and after a while of feeling unsettled in 4ACE I made the transition over to NNG.
    SeansBacon, Sixten and VSDerp like this.
  10. Sixten

    Sixten .

    Mar 12, 2014
    So are you going to actually get in the water and swim with the fishes? I saw a video on YT recently of a guy almost ending up in the mouth of a whale. It was pretty crazy.

    How do you go about competitive SCUBA diving?