starting with most time invested to least time invested: Favored Infantry Class: Heavy, Light Assault, Engineer Favored Vehicle: ESF, Liberator...
Sorry but in that video those pilots are GARBAGE! You can 2 clip a valkyrie and its dead. So it is bad but you just fought even worse pilots.
Here is some tells I've been getting recently. Also some of the text was barely readable so I drew the letters by hand to...
So Jaamaw and I were in a DA squad and DA was camping the NC warpgate and I guess Daniel Webster was getting farmed by them and was upset, which is...
Hover airframe, auto repair, and fire suppression. To stop like that just bind a thing called analog throttle. When you activate it you will hover...
Nope. Just wanna arauxium it. 150 something kills to go!
Hope you enjoy. [media]
Honestly it was just extreme luck. I'd dive a single ESF and kill him. Then another would attack me, killed him. Then another and another and...
Jaam and I in a liberator. No boosts. No membership. 100k+ score per hour! [ATTACH] I went on a 58 air only killstreak. Not a single ground target....
That was AMAZING!
Nice killstreaks man! Much better of a player than I am thats for sure.
We make our own games when we get bored. ;) [media] Also make sure to upvote on reddit! Link
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