This is not a change to how you use the forums, but rather a temporary change to how the forums work. Over the past month or more, I've been troubleshooting the dreaded "forum error on line 333" message with our host. We've tried all sorts of things and while it's gotten a bit better, it's still an issue. Typing a huge post only to have it dissappear when you hit submit (because of the error is unacceptable) and I've forced you guys to live with it for too long. Starting today I'll be disabling almost all of our forums addons to further our process of elimination to find the issue: Here are the add-ons and what they do. Brivium – Advanced Forum Rules 1.0.1 -Forces users to read and accept a set of rules before posting. You've all done this. Conversation Manager 1.0.2 Allows users to check multiple conversations for deletion, removal, marking as unread, etc. FreddysHouse Tools: Signature Once 1.2.0 Limits user's forum signatures to appear once per thread. If someone replies three times in a row, you will only see their signature in the first reply. This cuts down on storage and bandwidth. Also visual clutter. KeyCAPTCHA 2.1 This is the captcha puzzle during arround signup. LiquidPro Simple Forms 1.1.1 Controls our recruitment forms. This will stay enabled for obvious reasons. Nodes As Tabs 1.2.1 Allows admins to pluck certain forums and have them display as tabs in the top nav menu. Show Similar Threads On Thread Creation 1.1.6 Obvious. TaigaChat Pro 1.0.5 This is our shoutbox. Sadly, I have to kill it for 24 hours to test. XFA - Bump Thread 1.1.0 Allows users to click a button to bump a thread rather than posting in it. Saves storage, bandwidth, time etc. [8wayRun.Com] XenAtendo (Events) 1.5.0 Our forum calendar. [8wayRun.Com] XenMedio (Media) 1.3.8 Our forum media center. [bd] Rotating Ads 1.6.2 Allows addition of rotating images on the forums. Like the one on the top right displaying the TeamSpeak image. [Extra License] Mark Forum Read Link 1.0.0 Allows users to double click a forum node icon, to mark all threads within that node as read. [VietXF] Custom Node Icon 0.9 Allows us to display little icons next to each forum node for a bit of visual identity per node.
If forum stability improves with addons being turned off, I will start to enable them one by one throughout the coming days to see which, if any are causing the main issue. Thanks
Not sure if you reset something Ghost but wile I was reading this post, it refreshed or something on its own and I ended up with a white screen, I refreshed the page and it came back and put me on the view forums page... kinda weird
In the meantime will we use this thread? Although back then I think we still had some issues after changing around the shoutbox.