Poll: How is NNG doing?

Discussion in 'Main' started by GhostSheets, Oct 9, 2014.


How is NNG doing?

  1. 1 - Terrible. Needs help bad.

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

  5. 5 - No Change.

  6. 6

  7. 7

  8. 8

  9. 9

    0 vote(s)
  10. 10 - Amazing. Never been better.


Poll: How is NNG doing?

Discussion in 'Main' started by GhostSheets, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011
    I'm not around often but when I do get a chance to poke in I try to make it meaningful. I wanted to put a poll out there to get everyone's opinion on the current state of NNG. Please rate how you think NNG is doing. Votes will displayed publicly for transparency.

    This poll is also part of my upcoming effort to try to make and keep things more open and transparent in NNG. Something that I think has been lost for a little while now.

    Be honest, be open, vote truly and don't fluff your number. This is a meaningful ask, and could help determine the future course of NNG. Fake voting or being dishonest on either the positive or negative side will add no value.

    By all means articulate your vote if you would like to. This is an open forum. Suggestions, complaints, ideas, and issues all belong here. Even if there is something that you have not shared with the group yet, or leadership, or whomever, drop it here if you're comfortable. I'll be voting as well.

  2. Keleborn

    Keleborn The Italian Stallion

    Nov 10, 2012
    I feel that ever since that planetside has begun to go to hell that NNG was losing what it was. I also feel that ArcheAge has begun to pull us together by pulling us away from a genre that was mostly skill to one that yeah there is still skill but one that LITERALLY forces you to rely on others and our distribution of labor has really allowed us to do this even though there is still only half the amount of people on NNG that there were 6 months ago
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
    GhostSheets likes this.
  3. GhostSheets

    GhostSheets Opus Eponymous

    Dec 3, 2011
    I think there has been a separation between NNG leadership (including the people they are close with) and everyone else. I say that with low to medium confidence based on the things I'm reading on the forums and the PM's I'm getting from members who have been in NNG for a long time.

    I think NNG leadership needs to be more open minded to the popular consensus in an ongoing way and I think people need to be more open, out front and transparent with their thoughts on NNG.

    In an effort to try to help NNG remain, I'm drafting up a set of 10-15 Core NNG Values that can be used to guide NNG down a meaningful, but reasonable path.

    Here are a few:

    Use Polls:
    Polls are a really quick and easy way to gather people's thoughts on a particular subject without having to read through posts or walls of text. If someone were to ask the question in a poll "Do you think the Battlefield division leader is doing a good job" and the majority of the poll responses were "No", why would you not want to know about that? Often we hide the truth or issues in the community to avoid hurting someone's feelings. And why? Ego. That's why. Polls also allow the community to vote in mass and not leave all decisions strictly to leadership. There should be a poll for just about everything that warrants a debate or discussion.
    • Have a match last night? Want to know how people feel about NNG's performance? Poll.
    • Should we launch a new division for Farm Simulator 2015? Poll.
    • Do you trust your division leaders to run NNG successfully? Poll.
    A great example of a poll working to yield an answer that the 'majority' felt was with the NNG/NNGC debate. The votes spoke for the community and the division leaders reacted accordingly.

    Be Extremely Transparent:
    Most conversations, threads, subjects and debates should be out in the open. They should be extremely transparent, forthright and public. When conversations occur at different levels and with some people being excluded, you have a disconnect in the community. Why does anything need to be done in secrecy? Need to speak personally with someone? Sure a PM, but almost everything else should be out front. Have a problem with someone? Don't like the direction something is headed? Want to give someone props for a great idea? Do it where everyone can see it. Is somebody calling someone else out publicly on the forum? Good! Let it be. Thrash it out. Is someone calling out a division leader? Even better! Let it be. Transparency is good. As long as forum rules aren't being broken, posts should never be hidden from public view, over-moderated, or deleted.

    Care About the People You Game With In NNG
    If you are not gaming with people you care about and respect, this whole thing ain’t worth it. If you don’t believe that, you probably shouldn't be here.

    More to come... Open to any thoughts.
    kawaltd750, Phaedo, spaceship and 2 others like this.
  4. ThaneKrios

    ThaneKrios idk

    Nov 2, 2013
    I love NNG, think we have a good core of Admins, division leads and officers; but there is always room to improve.

    I love polls and it is a great way to gauge member feelings and see give a area where people can freely give their opinions and feel like their input is valued.

    We can also be hurt by having poll and opinion threads, tempers flair, heads butt and people argue. When polls are made and people asked for opinions, both members and leadership need to know what is and isn't appropriate. Something people from both ends can share blame for making mistakes on.

    From whatever we do, and whatever mistakes are made. I can say with confidence that everyone NNG learns from their mistakes and doesn't let things like forum arguments and disagreements to get in the way of having fun in the community together and working to try and make it a better place for everyone who is already in and everyone who wants to join.

    To talk on the last bit. I know that it is important to have a community where everyone is a friend and is close, but in reality we can't always have that, You can't have everyone like you and you won't like everyone it's just how things are. We can't let someone not being your favorite person in NNG stop you or others from having fun.
    Jaamaw likes this.
  5. FireFixation

    FireFixation .

    Sep 16, 2014
    I gave an 8 because I've been in NNG for only 1 month, I don't know all of you guys and also because I'm feeling like some are even ignoring their time playing PS2. Let me give you an idea of how I feel:
    I wasn't born in the US, I'm from Cuba, I'm a spanish speaker, I taught myself English when I had 6 years old playing games in a PlayStation. Some of you may not know, but internet there is barely scarce, limited to some places with a speed of 100 kbps ( that's very very low). I have played more than 600 games without online functionality. I play every COD up until MW3, without having the opportunity to play online. I played all of the Halo franchise ( campaign only). BF same. WoW only could play custom servers of 80 gb for each expansion to play completely alone. I came to this country 1 and a half years ago. That was the first time I had internet to browse, to search, to learn. 6 months ago, I found out this game called Planetside 2, so I downloaded it, and guess what, that was the first game I have ever played online. I remember my first three deaths, they were to a pilot with Banshee, but I was a noob at that moment so I didn't care, I've never abandoned a game just because I'm bad, you need to learn from your errors; so i kept playing. I joined my first outfit when I was BR 23, it was DaPP, you people will say "wow DaPP lol what a shitter" , i don't care I didn't have the BR nor the kd to get my ass out of NoobTown. And I met alot of people, some of them nice others just pure horsecrap; but I made friends. Then I stumbled upon this community called "NoNonsenseGamers", I had known in earlier fights on the server Mattherson, and I said to myself "This is the place I wanna be, to play this game with these people". After months of making myself a good player, of upping my kd over an average level, I took the shoot and filled the Application for the PS2 division. I was received in the best way possible, I was happy to enter this community of good players. Then it all went down; all people who were playing PS2 moved to ArcheAge; some of them started to talk bad things about this game, which I cannot agree with. I'm not an RPG player, I installed the game only to comfirm my expectancy, I suck at RPG games. I'll keep playing it though, but I do not enjoy playing it.
    Of course I'm not saying dump Archeage, I just want you to remember that there are people playing PS2 alone like myself, who couldn't even participate in one single event you guys had. I feel like a burden to this community already because I cannot enjoy AA as much as the next guy. I won't leave NNG, because I believe things will change back sooner or later. I'm just asking for friends to play with in this game that has been my most wonderful experience since I had my first console in my hands. Please remember the fun you had when playing this game. When you didn't blame SOE for hitching or bad hitreg, remember your first server smash (I haven't played one yet). I'm just asking you guys to play PS2 with me from time to time. I wanna feel important to this community at least once. This is not a rant, nor a complaint but a petition from someone who only wants to play the game he loves with the he befriended.

    FireFixation, say Good........bye.
    GhostSheets and Captain Murasa like this.
  6. Patrick

    Patrick Ireland - Sunshine is a Rumour.

    Nov 22, 2012
    Please, we are still going to be around, it's going to be more decentralized but you won't have to dunk on entire bases solo, we will be there to kill steal and rob XP as usual.
  7. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    I think that NNG is doing great! I gave it a 10!
    Seeing PS2 slowly sliding down the hill kind of breaks my heart since I have dedicated a lot of time to the game which was always fun and not for a moment I would regret playing it.

    Shifting over to a new game is always a difficult transition, especially considering that its a totally different type of a game. Over the past couple of weeks since ArcheAge was released, I saw nothing but positive things happening.
    Seeing FPS players chopping down trees still kind of cracks me up from time to time and seeing a guy like DaPoets slowing becoming the next Donald Trump of ArcheAge is something that I never thought I'd see, but its happening.
    Best comment that I have heard in TS so far (no names involved but you know who you are and I know that you're not the only one who feels this way) was "I never thought I'd play this game but I love playing with you guys" only tells me one thing - It doesn't matter what game we play as long as we play it together.

    To sum it all up, we are great gaming community with strong leadership and a tight group of friends. We enjoy gaming with one another and this is what's important.
    Frankly, all the dramaqueens who are not happy with things can go fuck each other because we enjoy gaming together regardless of what game we play.

    Jaamaw, ThaneKrios and Doomforge like this.
  8. Kowlefe

    Kowlefe .

    Jun 2, 2012
    Honestly, I give it a flat out 1. This community is in dire need of help and a good hit to the back of the head. For the past year or so the PS2 division has grown to the overpowering division, no big deal, but it lead to the overstepping of boundaries. The first could easily be the shutting down of the BF division, our mother division that got NNG started to begin with, Secondly, it began the feel of an elitist team that recently caused a large schism in the community and unneeded problems along with a requirement of attendance to maintain membership. I have spoken to a few people and I will not mention names, they may come forth on their own if they want, but they were all displeased with the state of NNG. They felt nobody had a say anymore since it was more like the PS2 officers and Jaamaw were the ones pulling the strings even when meetings were attended and they did speak up. People felt as if they were being controlled instead of having their own free will within the community. I honestly don't blame them, I felt the same way and that why I stopped playing along and started speaking up and saying my mind. Want to know where that got me? That got my officership revoked and my job within NNG as the recruiter taken away from me, for speaking up on what I felt was wrong and trying to help improve.

    Ghost, you need to come back. NNG has gone to shit lately since you left. The core values have been destroyed and honestly I feel Jaam is not the right fit to take charge of the community. (I already know he tried to remove me from NNG once when I called him on jumping his buddies through the recruitment process without even having the common courtesy of talking to me about it. Thankfully Sotet had him back off. Theres a prime example) The members who no longer have a division don't even have our ts channels to use because were not buddy buddy or dont have "enough people playing to warrant a channel" yet there are channels that I have seen empty for a long time along with personal channels that have no real use but are seen as a slap to the face to us.

    To be entirely honest, since most of us senior members (senior as in time with NNG, not some name based on position) have left, including you since you are rarely seen, I have been contemplating leaving. I'm no longer enjoying the way NNG has gone in the past 6 months and I dont feel it will get any better unless some changes are made. You have said it yourself many times and I still remember when you spoke to me about starting to do recruitment on my own two years ago and how I "understand what NNG means" and honestly the one thing that shouldn't have changed was the main core value and feel of just being able to get together and "frag a few noobs" isn't here. I feel that I have to jump through hoops and fill requirements to be a part of the group and it honestly breaks my heart seeing this happen to the place that I have called my home. This used to be something that I gladly called my family, I would be proud when I heard NNG pop up from the guy at bestbuy or at my old school's video game club as I passed by. Now I just cringe when I think about it because it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to see how low it has gone...

    EDIT: Another good example, Jaam is going to keep the NNG officer tags in TS on his officers as a homage to the division but the BF division got nothing. I called it out on the bullshit and my comment got deleted. If shit like that is going to happen, put it through to all ex-divisions or don't do it at all. Don't just pay homage to your division that you built, pay homage to NNG as a whole!

    Also, the fact that you voted a 4 should tell not only you but everyone something. The founder who knows the core values best and embodies them sees it going downhill while the current "CEO" as he called himself says it perfect, never better. Look at the trends from the past two years. More people have gotten fed up and left that ever before, and that's not because our numbers grew. The people who left were active members and we noticed them leave, those who weren't active or I don't really remember don't count in my eyes.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2014
    icebalm, Ajax and Captain Murasa like this.
  9. Nraged

    Nraged I fly things

    Dec 17, 2012
    Things have changed, changed a lot. Let's face it, they would never stay the same and sometimes it's hard to let go.
    In order for PS2 team to stay competitive certain changes needed to be made. Did they work? Some did and some didn't. The ones that didn't were acknowledged, addressed and worked on.
    Either way, we have two main games right now such as ArcheAge and War Thunder. Those who play it are having a good time, making new friends and stuff like that.
    What else can we ask for?
    Jaamaw, SeansBacon and ThaneKrios like this.
  10. Quanton Biscuit

    Quanton Biscuit .

    May 20, 2014
    Will write a full response when I get home.
    SeansBacon and ThaneKrios like this.